
Elizabeth Ivory, Chair and Marketing Director

Elizabeth, or Betty, (she prefers the former but answers to the latter) has lived increasingly full-time in the hills of Northumberland County since 2004. She joined the board in 2013 to help with NLC’s marketing efforts, and later became its self-taught webmaster. She took over as Chair just as COVID shut everything down, and worked with the Board to chart a new, sustainable course for NLC. Before retirement, Elizabeth was the principal of a Toronto-based communications firm serving corporate and public sector clients; going back further, she was an advertising and brand manager in the consumer products field. She and her husband enjoy regular babysitting gigs with three of their five grandkids - and visit the other two in BC as often as possible!


CATHY BENNETT, Vice Chair and Program Committee member

Cathy began her federal public service career in Halifax. When opportunity took her to Ottawa, she spent the rest of her public service career with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, working on everything from anti-tobacco programs to chronic disease and falls prevention. She finished her career with the creation and leadership of “The Solutions Fund”, an award-winning fund and incubator which became the focal point for employee innovation and creativity within the health portfolio. Recently retired, she and her partner started a new chapter here in Cobourg, an opportunity to pursue art, travel, gardening, books, and continuing to present house concerts!

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David Kent, Co-Director of Program Committee and Governance

David is a senior litigation partner with McMillan LLP in Toronto, and argues competition law, class actions and copyright cases in courts and tribunals around the country.  He studied history at Carleton University in Ottawa, got bored and worked on Parliament Hill for two years, and then got serious and studied law at the University of Toronto before clerking for a year in the Ontario Court of Appeal.  More importantly, David and his partner spend ever increasing amounts of time at their house on the edge of the Northumberland Forest, often with their daughters, enjoying the woods, the walks and the water in every season.

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Wayne Lang, Director of Finance

Wayne is a Senior Wealth Advisor at Assante Capital and has several offices in Ontario and Quebec. Prior to studying art history, he graduated with a B. Comm. from Concordia. After years of IT consulting for corporate and government clients in North America and Europe, he began his financial planning business. Wayne hosts garden tours at his Port Hope home, Lilac Hollow, to support various charities.


Peter McLaughlin, Treasurer

Peter is the Chairman of Greenbriar Holdings Limited, a private Ontario family holding company headquartered in Oshawa, Ontario.   Prior to his business activities, Peter practiced corporate and commercial law with Baker & McKenzie in both the Toronto and Sydney offices.  He has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto and an LLB from Queen’s University. Peter is married and has two adult children and three grandsons. 


Dawn McMaster, Director of Audience Engagement

Dawn has worked in education in Toronto, Thailand and South Africa, with extensive experience in the International Baccalaureate Organization as coordinator, teacher, program developer and trainer. Dawn holds a BSc in Geology and Physics from McMaster University, and an MSc in Physics and BEd from the University of Toronto. She recently retired to the beautiful hills of Northumberland County, where she and her husband cycle, hike, ski and snowshoe out their back door, and enjoy harvesting maple syrup and a myriad of veggies and flowers from their home overlooking Lake Ontario. They have two grown children and one mischievous dog. Dawn looks forward to continuing her passion of encouraging lifelong learning via NLC.


Joanne O’Sullivan, Secretary and Educational Programming

A Northumberland County native, Joanne worked in secondary education for fourteen years with the Toronto Board of Education before taking over Cobourg’s St. Mary’s Secondary School in its second year of operation and continuing as principal for nine years. She later studied at OISE and worked as principal in two elementary schools, observing the educational early-year learning markers that impact adolescent education. Upon retirement, she held a two-year stint at the faculty of Education at Trent University. Joanne has also served on the Board of Northumberland United Way. She enjoys playing golf and tennis, and looks forward to a new chapter with NLC!


Barb Woolley, Co-Director of Program Committee and Visual Designer

Co-founder of Canadian design firm Hambly & Woolley, Barb has provided strategic design leadership to a wide range of high-profile clients, with academia a particular specialization. She is a graduate of OCAD University, and the former chair of the Advertising & Design Club of Canada. Barb has given presentations and webinars at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, York University and many design associations. She and her husband and business partner Bob have been active members of the Northumberland County community since 2008.



Joanne Bonebakker

Joanne had the vision and energy to create the Northumberland Learning Connection in 2005, supported by a group of people passionate about lifelong learning.  She holds an honours B.A. in Art History from the University of Toronto. A chorister and volunteer business manager with the Orpheus Choir of Toronto for many years, Joanne’s current preferred volunteer role is that of babysitter for her grandchildren in Holland, Toronto and Boston.